Andrea Fries Blog 1

1. Make sure you always understand your priorities. Where do you start?? With YOURSELF. Start with making small changes to be just a bit better than you were yesterday.. some ideas?

  • – Self care – including sleep, diet, and movement
  • Mental health – practice gratitude. Give thanks every day
  •  Connection – Connect with friends and family at least once a day
  • Inspiration – What lights the ‘fire’ within? What makes you feel energized and motivated? A blog? A good book? Good conversation? Do THAT!!!

2. NEXT – Your family/home. Outside of yourself, you need to remember who and what are important to you? And how do you prioritize this in your day? Is it time with your family? Is it time to catch up on cleaning/organizing? 

Remember to allow time every day to nurture your family and your home life

3. Learning. Have you learned something new today? If not.. why not? We have information available at our fingertips to help us grow and learn something new every day, there is literally no excuse. Set an alarm on your phone!! Learn a sentence in a different language, learn a new word, learn a skill you have wanted to try but have not tried yet, travel, try a new hobby, challenge an existing belief, try a new dance move! Drive down a new street.. live your life to the fullest.
A truly dull life would be one where you get up, brush your teeth/shower, go to work, come home have supper, go to bed and then repeat.. over and over. LIVE!! We only have one shot at this.. live, learn and enjoy every moment!

4. Reflect – After you have implemented steps 1, 2 and 3.. reflect. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT What are you most grateful for? What did you do today for yourself, for your family/home, and what did you learn? Even if you had a bad day.. what were you most grateful for, and what did you learn from your bad experience? Life is about growth and continuous improvement Make the most out of what you have, while you can. This is a gift And now… I am going to snuggle with my dog and feel gratitude until my heart bursts!!! Have a fantastic day!

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